What are your predictions for how the story will end?
I predict that Matt's dad will come back. Matt was left home alone and his dad went to Quincy to get his Mother, sisster and new baby brother or sister. Also if Matt is still teaching the Indian boy Attean his dad might get mad beacuse Matt is a white man and Attean is and Indian. Matt also gave Attean's father a book of his because Attean's father saved his life after getting stung by bees and choking on water. Matt cimbed a tree and got a bunch of posonis needles stuck in his throat. After that when Matt was in pain Attean's father hunt for food and took care of him. Matt's dad might get mad at that too.I also predict that the baby will be a boy. I do because I just have a feeling that it will be a boy. Another prediction is that Attean will finally now how to read. It is taking a long for him to. I think he dosen't even remember any letters. My last prediction is that Attean will stop being a show off. After that reading lesson Attean always shows Matt a cool hunting trick. Matt is always really bad at them, But after a little pratice he will prbably be really good and show Attean off. THose were my predictions.
I predict Attean will go back to where he comes from and Matt will become lost in the forest without anyone. I think that because Attean will have to go back to his home sometime and Matt's parents are suppost to come in less than 6 weeks. Also I think Attean has been training Matt on hunting and stuff because Attean may leave him in the wilderness and Matt will be by his self surviving till his parents and Sarah come.
I agree kittycat34 Attean will have to go back soon. Also I thaink he dosen't even like Matt. Attean is always showing off and and doing new hunting tricks. But it would be good if he is teaching Matt hunting because if he does leave his parents might be gone even longer and then he'll have to cook even longer. Same as hunting. cleaning and making clothes.
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I predict that Matt's dad will come back. Matt was left home alone and his dad went to Quincy to get his Mother, sisster and new baby brother or sister. Also if Matt is still teaching the Indian boy Attean his dad might get mad beacuse Matt is a white man and Attean is and Indian. Matt also gave Attean's father a book of his because Attean's father saved his life after getting stung by bees and choking on water. Matt cimbed a tree and got a bunch of posonis needles stuck in his throat. After that when Matt was in pain Attean's father hunt for food and took care of him. Matt's dad might get mad at that too.I also predict that the baby will be a boy. I do because I just have a feeling that it will be a boy. Another prediction is that Attean will finally now how to read. It is taking a long for him to. I think he dosen't even remember any letters. My last prediction is that Attean will stop being a show off. After that reading lesson Attean always shows Matt a cool hunting trick. Matt is always really bad at them, But after a little pratice he will prbably be really good and show Attean off. THose were my predictions.
I predict Attean will go back to where he comes from and Matt will become lost in the forest without anyone. I think that because Attean will have to go back to his home sometime and Matt's parents are suppost to come in less than 6 weeks. Also I think Attean has been training Matt on hunting and stuff because Attean may leave him in the wilderness and Matt will be by his self surviving till his parents and Sarah come.
I agree kittycat34 Attean will have to go back soon. Also I thaink he dosen't even like Matt. Attean is always showing off and and doing new hunting tricks. But it would be good if he is teaching Matt hunting because if he does leave his parents might be gone even longer and then he'll have to cook even longer. Same as hunting. cleaning and making clothes.
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