Friday, May 1, 2009

Prediction - Number the Stars

What are your predictions for what is going to happen to Ellen, Annemarie and the rest of their families?


kitycat30 said...

I think that the soliders will come search in Mrs. Hichers house and neighboorhod. Mrs. Hichers won't know that they are looking for Ellen and the jews and Annamarie will get Mrs. Hichers and tell him that Ellen is a jew and she is pretending to be Liese so they don't take her. Then he will say no and tell the soilder's not to wake up any more children. Then the soilders will barge in through the front door and seach the entire house and then walks into Annamaries and Ellens room to sleep in and then ask both of them questions and take Ellen and then Mrs. Hichers will stop them and say you can't take Leslie (really Ellen) and say you can't take my daughter. Then the soilders will say oh your jewish two and guraph him. Then Mrs. Hichers will say I'm not a jew and he holds out a nekles that had a cross on it.

kittycat29 said...

My prediction is that Peter works for the F.B.I and helps save people. Maybe he does this because his wife Lise had died in a car aciedent so he feels sad about it and if the soliders kill the jews people will also feel bad and sad. I think Lise died because she wasn't really paying attention to her driving and lost hold of the wheel and ran into the truck. The parents could be some where in Gillelege and hoping that their daughter is as safe as they are. I also think that the soliders will come to the uncles house and ask but he will know nothing. Thinking about Ellen's necklace knowing that it could get her in danger for a while might be hidden. Hidden some where hidden with some safe people who can keep it hidden. Ellen's parents also could be at the beach thinking about the sea shells that Peter brought them gives a clue.

kittycat100 said...


Good guess about Peter working for the F.B.I. You'll see at the very end of the book exactly what work he is doing.

You will find out about Ellen's parents soon and whether or not Ellen will ever get to see them again. Wouldn't it be sad if she never got to see her parents again?

kittycat100 said...

kittycat 30,

Does that mean that you believe that they will all be able to escape the soldiers and not be harmed? Or do you think that they may be in serious danger since they are hidding Ellen?

kittycat31 said...

My prediction for the book Number the Stars is that Peter work for a secret place that helps people escape dangerus places. I also think that Know one is in the coffin. I also think soon Ellen will find her parents soon. I also think the soildgers will never find Ellen and her parents no matter were they search.

Anonymous said...

kittycat100, It would be sad if you had a best friend and she or he was taken away from you forever because people are hunting them down. I might also feel sorry for them because they are in danger and a struggling to be safe.

kittycat29 said...

kittycat100,It would be sad if you had a close friend that was taken away from you to be safe from people hunting down them.

kittycat29 said...

kittycat31, I agree because the soliders never found out about Ellen being a jew or anything so they can keep on searching but they won't be able to take the jews away from where they belong. No matter how hard they try their friends will keep them safe.

kittycat29 said...

kittycat30, I some what agree that could happen because if Ellen is a jew they might as well think he is too. Unless they know him very well which they probally don't.

kittycat29 said...

kittycat100, I have found out who Peter works for. He works for the resindence and so did Lise that is how lise died because a truck saw her and decided to run her over. Also at the end I find out that the necklace was hidden by Annemarie and she put it in her sister Lise's dress skirt.