the story begins with introducing the owner of wilbur the pig. Her name is fern. She saved wilbur from being killed by her father because he was a grunt. she then took care of him untill he was 5 weeks old. after 5 weeks she gave wilbur to her uncle and came every day to visit. finally wilbur escaped his pen after being encouraged by some gesse. After playing a game of cat and mouse with the farmer he gets caught and sent inside.
my first imprasion on the book are that i can tell something going to happen aleredy. Also i think that this is going to be a book of true freindship. so kitty cat 100 is this your favorite book and what is your first impressoins
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the story begins with introducing the owner of wilbur the pig. Her name is fern. She saved wilbur from being killed by her father because he was a grunt. she then took care of him untill he was 5 weeks old. after 5 weeks she gave wilbur to her uncle and came every day to visit. finally wilbur escaped his pen after being encouraged by some gesse. After playing a game of cat and mouse with the farmer he gets caught and sent inside.
I like the book and can't wait to see what happens next!!!!
This is one of my FAVORITE books. It is a story of true friendship.
my first imprasion on the book are that i can tell something going to happen aleredy. Also i think that this is going to be a book of true freindship. so kitty cat 100 is this your favorite book and what is your first impressoins
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