Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Year Mom Won the Penant

What is the main problem in the story? Support your answer with text.


kittycat22 said...

The main proplem is the Thunderballs don't have a coach. but when Nick mom hears about the proplem and wants to help the thunderballs coach. I dont think anybody wants her to be coach. to kittycat100

kittycat100 said...

Have you ever had a coach that was a girl? Do you think girls make good coaches? Explain.

kittycat10 said...

the main problem is that the thunderballs dont have a coach!nick ask his baseball freinds.they all say no!nicks mom ask if she could be coach nick says "yes".the los their fist game!to kittycat100

kittycat12 said...

The main promble is that cylcone got 2 outs and jerry got 1 out so the tornadoes got hit thse ball! So the mom coach said "hit better and do not get 2 outs cyclone again! So and there is another promble that the thunderballs need a coach. So the thunderballs need a coach for a year so the thunderballs ask there parents and they said "NO"! So nick told his dad and he said that "I can not be the coach because I work hours. So mom heard nick that thunderballs need a coach. So nick did not want mom and he was mortified.