Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bridge to Terabithia

What are your first impressions of the book?

How does the story begin?


kittycat25 said...

I think the book Bridge to Terabithia is a a good book so far The book is reall exiting

kittycat24 said...

I didn't really like the beginning of the book, either. Kittycat16, my favorite part of the book is when everybody was outside about to race, when Leslie came up and beat them all. That was funny when the boys were all jealous!!

kittycat100 said...

What is so exciting in the book so far? Describe an exciting part and tell why it is exciting.

kittycat100 said...

Why don't you like the beginning of the book?

How could the book be better - how would you write it differently?

kittycat25 said...

It is exiting because jess wants to be the fastest runner in fith and fourth grade and leslie comes and beats all the boys.

kittycat100 said...

It is funny that a GIRL beat all the boys. Actually, I think that is GREAT!

kittycat24 said...

for the beginning of the book, I would make the book talk about other people instead of just Jesse Aarons. The first chapter is about Jess Aarons so I would let them write about only Jess Aarons, but the second chapter is called Leslie Burke, but they nover talked about Leslie, so I don't have a lot of information about Leslie. All I have is she is a girl and that's all.

kittycat100 said...

The 2nd chapter is called Leslie Burke - if they really didn't tell you anything about Leslie then why do you think the author titled it Leslie Burke? Explain.

kittycat100 said...

The 2nd chapter is called Leslie Burke - if they really didn't tell you anything about Leslie then why do you think the author titled it Leslie Burke? Explain.

kittycat24 said...

I think they called the second chapter Leslie Burke because at one time of the chapter, I think it was the middle part, they only said that new people were moving into the perkins house. At the end of the chapter, they only said a teensy bit about Leslie and that's it.

kittycat100 said...

What would you have titled the 2nd chapter instead? Why?