Monday, May 10, 2010

Bridge to Terabithia

Describe the setting. Give examples from the text.


kittycat24 said...

So far when I read, the setting is their are lots of trees because they found out about Terabithia now, it's a forest, dirt, grass, and Jess and Leslie also built there own little castle that I think looks like a treehouse. In the text, it said, after they had wwatched May Belle tearing up the hill, clutching her new treasure, Jess and Leslie turned and ran up over the empty field behind the old Perkins place and down to the dry creek bed that separated farmland from the woods. There was and old crab apple tree there, just at the bank of the creek bed, from which someone long forgotten had hung a rope. This shows text from the story.

kittycat100 said...

What do you think about Terabithia? Is it some place that you would like to visit? Why or why not?

kittycat24 said...

I would like to visit Terabithia because I love magical places where their are lots of monsters and imaginary people. If I wanted to be a character from the book Bridge To Terabithia, I would be Leslie because we are both active and happy all the time.

kittycat24 said...

If you have read this book or watched Bridge To Terabithia, why would you like this book? Or if you haven't watched or read this book, what do you think this book would be about by looking at the front cover and reading the back of the book?

kittycat13 said...

The story is good so far and there is only 3 difrent settings. One is a forest behind lesies house across a creek. The other is a farm in jesse's front yard.The last one is a school

kittycat24 said...

Bridge to Terabithia is a little creepy so far because when Jess and Leslie wrote a letter to Janice and signed it as Willard Huges or something, Janice finds out that wasn't true and gets really mad. She trys to find out who wrote the letter.

kittycat24 said...

do you like magical places or kingdoms? Why or Why not. Thank you for answering when you did answer.

kittycat24 said...

When I am reading, I have a great and wonderful picture in miy head such as terabithia. I could see lots of trees, grass, dirt, and I could also hear magical creatures in Terabithia. The magical creatures I see are ogres, a giant, and flying ugly monsters. The picture in my head also shows there treehouse. There treehouse is like a reagular one with wood made from it, either there is a open side or their is a door on either the right or left side. So far I love the book Bridge to Teribithia. I hope who ever else reads or watch this book or movie, I hope they like this.

kittycat24 said...

so far, do like this book? What does this book make you feel like?
If you do like this book so far, what part is your favorite part and why do you like it? Also, what picture do you see in your head?

kittycat24 said...

do you like this book so far? If you don't, which part made you feel like or just made you not like the book so far? What page number is it? Did any of the part or parts made you confuse? If it did, why did it make you confuse?

kittycat100 said...

Kittycat 24,
Have you seen the movie? If so, how is the book different from the movie - give examples.

kittycat24 said...

the book is soo diffrent from the movie because in the movie, they don't give you a lot of details. But in the book, they give you lots of details. In the movie, I don't really remember Leslie and Jess writing a fake letter to Janic Avery and sneaking in to the classroom without anyone seeing. Maybe I just forgot because I haven't seen the movie since a long time.

kittycat100 said...

Which is better so far - the book or the movie? Why?

kittycat24 said...

I think the book is the best so far because the book show lots of details such as when Jess got Leslie a dog for Christmas, I never remembered that part in the movie. It's either I forgot or I am right.
if you read the book so far, which part is your favorite part and why?

kittycat24 said...

This book is awesome so far!!
What do you think kittycat25 and kittycat16?