Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Number the Stars

What is the main problem in the story? Give examples from the text to support your thinking.


kittycat19 said...

The main problem is the Nazi soldiers are arresting all the Jews.The book says "They plan to arrest all the Danish Jews".Also,Ellen,Annemarie's best friend is Jewish.

kittycat15 said...

I think the main problem is the soilders are taking away the jews. In the txt Peter said "Germans have issued orders closing many stores run by Jews"

kittycat100 said...

How is Ellen going to avoid getting arrested? Explain.

kittycat100 said...

How will this affect the characters in the story? Explain.

kittycat19 said...

Ellen is going to pretend to be Lise, Annemarie's older sister that died.

kittycat100 said...

Do you think that will work? Explain.

kittycat15 said...

The Rosens are jewish, and all Nazi soldiers are arresting the jews. So the Johansen let Ellen stay so she would not get arrested

kittycat15 said...

kittycat19, do you think Ellen will get caught trying to be Lise Annemarie older sister that died.

kittycat17 said...

The main problem is that Annemarie's best friend Ellen and the rest of the Rosen family are being relocated because Nazi soliders are trying to arrest all of the Danish Jews. So ELlen, Annemarie's mama, Annemarie, and Annemarie's little sister Kirsti go their Uncle Henrick's house and they think that will solve some of their problems, but the Nazi's still seem to find them and end up slapping Annemarie's mama across the face.

kittycat100 said...

How are they going to be able to keep Ellen's identity a secret - what will they do?

kittycat19 said...

It did work,but the Nazi soldiers almost found out about her.Lucky for her Lise had dark hair when she was a baby so the Nazis fell for it when they saw her baby picture.

kittycat15 said...

kittycat17, Why are thr Nazis trying to arrest the Jews

kittycat100 said...

Do you think their plan is going to continue to work for Ellen? What do you think is going to eventually happen to her? Why?

kittycat6 said...

I agree with you kittycat19 that is the problem of the story.

kittycat19 said...

Their plan for Ellen did work.The soldiers thought she was Annemarie's sister until her parents came and brought her somewhere else.When the soldiers came while they were at Annemarie's Uncle Henrik's house.They lied to them about all the people there.The book doesn't say but I think those people were jewish too, so their plan for them worked too.

kittycat15 said...

well kittycat100, they had all the jews move to Sweden but i think after the war they will come back to Copenhagen.